190 Recruitment in Northern Coalfields Limited 2016-17:
Singrauli Northern Coalfields has decided to recruit 201 worker in various posts. The recruitment will be in the post of Heavy Earth Moving Machinery (H.E.M.M) Operator Trainee and Junior Stenographer -English and I.T.I Electrician Trainee. Other details like age, educational qualification, salary etc. read below carefully...Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) 201 Recruitment 2016-17 :
Official Website : www.nclcil.in
The avdt. no is : NCL/SGR/PD/Rectt/NRD/16/582
Post wise vacancy details :
1. Jr. Stenographer (OL)- Rajbhasha Gr. C : 11 (UR : 07, SC : 01, ST : 02, OBC : 01)
2. Jr. Stenographer (English)- Gr. C : 18 (UR : 11, SC : 02, ST : 03, OBC : 02)
3. ITI Electrician Trainee Cat III : 13 (UR : 09, SC : 01, ST : 02, OBC : 01)
4. HEMM Operator Trainee, Cat II :159 (UR : 82, SC : 23, ST : 31, OBC : 23)
Total Vacancy : 201
Age Limit : 18 - 30 years
Educational Qualification : Matriculation
Mode of Application : Offline
Last date of Application : 07.01.2017
Eligible Criteria for Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) 201 Recruitment in various post :
Educational Qualification :
a. For Jr. Stenographer (OL)- Rajbhasha Gr. C :
- Matriculation or equivalent examination from the recognized Board of examination with Hindi as one of the subject, OR Matriculate with certificate in Hindi like Prabhakar Praveshika etc.
- Must have speed of 80 words per minute in Hindi Shorthand and 30 word per minute in Hindi Typing.
b. For Jr. Stenographer
(English)- Gr. C :
- Matriculation or equivalent examination from the recognized Board of examination.
- Must have speed of 80 words per minute in English Shorthand and 40 word per minute in English Typing.
c. For ITI Electrician
Trainee Cat III :
- Matriculate with ITI in Electrician Trade. Must have completed Apprenticeship training under Apprenticeship Act 1961.
d. For HEMM Operator
Trainee, Cat II :
- Matriculate with ITI in Fitter/Diesel/Motor Mechanic Trade. Must have completed Apprenticeship training under Apprenticeship Act 1961
- Must have valid Heavy Motor Vehicle (HMV) License
Age Limit and Relaxations : (i) Minimum Age is 18 years for all posts; Upper Age limit for Posts of Sl Nos 1 to 4 is for SC/ST: 35 years, for OBC (non creamy layer): 33
years, and for Unreserved (UR) : 30 years as on 30/10/2016
(ii) The Upper age limit in the case of candidates, who had ordinarily been domiciled in the Kashmir division of the State of Jammu &
Kashmir during the period from 01/01/1980 to 31/12/1989, is relaxable by 5 years over and above the prescribed age.
Application Fees : There is no Application Fee for SC/ST/PWD/Ex-Servicemen/Departmental Candidates. Candidates belonging to UR/OBC(non-creamy Layer) category will be required to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs. 500/- only to be paid through State Bank of India (SBI) demand draft made in favour of "Northern Coalfields Ltd, Singrauli" payable at SBI, Morwa (Branch Code : 03767). Demand draft from other banks will not be accepted and such applications will be rejected.
Pay Scale : Scale of Pay as per NCWA-IX, for the
- Gr. C Posts : (Monthly Rated) Rs. 19035.02
- Cat III posts : (Daily Rated) Rs. 636.77
- Cat II posts : (Daily Rated) Rs. 617.94
How to apply to Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) 201 Recruitment in various post :
Application should be in definite format. To download the application form go to the website www.nclcil.in or download it by clicking below link. A candidate can apply for one post only.
Filled Applications accompanied with attested copies of all required valid certificates should reach by Post Only to "General Manager
(P/MP&R), Room No. 15, Personnel Department, NCL HQ, Singrauli, MP - 486889" on or before 07/01/2017. The envelope containing application (as per prescribed format given above) must be super scribed in bold letters on the top mentioning that
“APPLICATION FOR POST OF . . . . . . . . ., NCL (NRD-2016)”. Application sent by any other means will not be accepted.
What should be attached with the filled application :
1. 3 Copy of passport size photo attested by the gazetted officer and the candidate also. 1 copy should be attached in definite space of the form should give with it.
2. As the fees of draft of 500 /- should be submit.
3. For age proof should be given the attested xerox copy of madhyamik certificate.
4. For educational qualification proof should be attached the attested xerox copy of educational qualification .
5. Attested cast certificate for SC, ST and OBC (if applicable).
6. For PH candidate should be given the attested xerox copy of PH candidate
7. Attested discharge certificate of Ex-Serviceman.
8. Admit Card Should be Filled up carefully.
A Disclaimer :
Candidates should carefully read the official notification for details information like age limit, educational qualification, pay scale, application fee, selection process before applying to "Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) 201 Recruitment in various post"