IBPS CWE - Clerks-VI Online Preliminary Exam Score Released :
The Institute
of Banking and Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the score card for the
Common Recruitment Process (CWE) Clerk VI recruitment exam 2016 on their
official website. The result was declared on 9th December 2016.
The candidates
who have qualified the prelims will have to appear for the main, on the basis
interview/personality test. The Institute will soon release the admit card. The
candidates are advised to check the website for their score card.
How to Check IBPS CWE - Clerks-VI-Online Preliminary Exam Score card :
- Click the link >> http://ibps.sifyitest.com/crpclkcviaug16/resrsa_dec16/downloadstart.php A new page will open showing the score card link.
- Enter your registration number /roll number and your password which will be your date of birth, as well as the captcha displayed in the image box next to the bottom-most text box.
- Click Login and your result will be available on the screen.
- Download your result to your computer and take a print if necessary.
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